This 'breakfast nook'! I can't take credit for the name, that was all Nater but I love it! This is the perfect tool to keep yourself concealed while you and your newborn try to figure out how to nurse in public (or at home when company drops by!). I learned the hard way that this very functional and stylish nursing covers is an absolute MUST for a new mom.
Again, I have to give a shout out to the buyers at JoAnn. They now stock this fabulous Alexander Henry print there which I love!
For those of you that are tired of my sad pictures of finished products hanging from the coat rack in my sewing room, here is a special treat ;-) A sad picture of the finished project hanging from my very exciting french doors - hey, I try!
Lu-huv the fabric Elle! I adore red and chocolate prints. I may have to keep that one in mind for my project...
Thanks again Elle!! My cousin LOVES it!
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